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幸運草之戀網路服務 / 相簿公告 / 網路相簿之經營及獲益模式
2006-07-09          按這裡: 63453

In recent years, many websites provide services such as web log web album , and mailboxs to enhance the user interaction with virtual community. However, the current web album doesn’t have its own management and earning revenue models. To solve this problem , this paper focuses on the web album to propose its business and profit models . By analyzing web users’ customer satisfaction , we can judge the customer continuous behavior intention , including : loyalty , switching cost , and purchasing willing of high quality services . After that , we provide the album website operators a profit model based on the public word-of-mouth , purchase intention , price sensitivity , and the complaint behavior . The profit models of web album include the following three major parts :

Internet  AdvertisementThe website attracts the members participation through offering the free services and community activities . In this way , the website can attract the sponsors to put their advertisements for improving the exposure rate . Also , based on the analysis of website surf records , sponsors can use the customer profiles and advertisement’s Click-Through Rate (CTR) to help their marketing planning .

Value-Added ServicesThe website provides value-added services to attract the users to purchase the higher quality service contents , such as enlarging the space of the mailbox or the web album , and customization .

Different Industries AlliancesStriving for the enterprises effort to conduct each kind of activity or the competition , attracting the stream of people by website well-knowingness and creating new products combined with hypostatization activities to raise the value of the website .

KeywordVirtual CommunityUser InteractionWebsite Management Web Advertising


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